PLEASE NOTE: We are closed for our annual winter break! Have a safe and happy holidays and we will see you soon!

Our Aquaponics Operation

Aquaponics teams up pure hydroponics (growing without soil) with aquaculture (growing a fish crop) in a more sustainable, intensive and very productive growing method, which not only gives you lots of delicious food but also conserves water and neutralizes pollutive side effects.

Here at Mapleville Farm we have been gaining valuable hands-on experience with aquaponics for several years now. After learning from a line of consecutively larger and more ambitious indoor growing projects, we custom-designed, built, and now operate a four-season dedicated aquaponic greenhouse. The system and its enclosing structure integrate several advanced ag/horticultural concepts, including massed vertical growing and biofiltration, and are optimized for our climate to keep us and our bake shoppe supplied with fresh herbs and greens year-round (and provide a convenient home for our ever-expanding koi collection). In 2016 we were awarded a LASA Grant to upgrade and expand the greenhouse, allowing us to not only multiply our four-season produce output, but conduct tours and workshops.

We are currently renovating the system and have paused our scheduled group tours of the greenhouse. We look forward to resuming soon! Please contact us for more information.